The 36 Poetic Immortals have been a favorite Image Source in these pages. Going back to an image source that you enjoy is a great pleasure.

I took this photo at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin two years ago. Their show incorporated various images from the Poetic Immortals.
Regarding my drawing, I see:
-a clothing design
-the design for a science fiction plant in a futuristic movie
-the beginnings of a building enclosure
-a mechanical assembly
The two basic types of Transparent Drawing are Analysis and Generation. So you may ask how can one drawing do both? First, I knowledged the form from the representational images in the book. While this is a variation of analysis, it is also a variation of Generation, as I had to synthesize parts of the forms that I could not see. As has been said many times before, the Transparent Drawing Types, Modes and Assemblies are merely pathways that always overlap: you choose the direction that your pathway takes.
The Assembly for the drawing, in sequence:
-pencil lines
-watercolor (water soluble) pencil lines
-watercolor tones
–ink stick in the wet watercolor
Previous mention in these pages of the Immortals include:
–Poetic Immortals
–Life Is Not Like An Oil Painting
–Informed or Inventive
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