All we want is holistic unity. Everything that we are striving for is aimed toward unity and peace. This search underlies nearly any book I pick up. To name a few:
–Arnheim “A thoughtful person cannot read these studies without admiring the active striving for unity…”
–Kant “…the unity of this act [of drawing] is at the same time the unity of consciousness…”
–Hildebrandt “This visual unity shows the separate conditions working simultaneously…”
–Goodman “…the drive is curiosity and the aim enlightenment…”
-Wittkower “…when the building we are in…binds the universe together.”
-Wölfflin “…every part speaks for itself…yet makes itself felt in its coherence with the whole…”
-Giedion “…there is nevertheless a true, if hidden, unity…”
These quotes are all from books on design and art. Why can’t we read these authors with what we call a religious mindset? We read religious texts, seeking a fundamental holistic understanding. Why can’t we read any of these with the same purpose? Why are they not just as relevant?
Beyond all of the negative media flamed hype which contributes to and feeds on our binary divisiveness, it is our deep need for unity which keeps positive valence. Unity is the most basic theme of these pages. This should give hope. As water flows underground, we all quest for harmony, no matter how we focus our spiritual energies.
To contribute, I invite you to take a moment to focus your energies on the holistic. Visualize holistic constructs. And if you use a pencil and a piece of paper as tools to focus your mind, all the better.
Peace to all of us.
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