We made it over the finish line. Hurray! Celebrate! Wonder of Wonders! Transparent Drawing is now shipping in the US!

A lifelong friend of mine first ordered the book on Amazon 23 March 2020. Almost 11 months later, the book arrived at their house yesterday. As I mentioned a few pages back, my humble thanks to all of you who, by pre ordering the book, have endured the constant stream of Amazon generated e-mail delay updates. In the end, it’s all good.
When I first sat down with Anna Danby, the publishing director of Black Dog Press, nearly three years ago in NYC, we both agreed that we wanted the book to be two things: useful, and an authentic object. Regarding the latter, I do believe that it is authentic. Black Dog Press could not have done a better job with the graphic design (Thanks Rachel!), the paper selection, the printing, the assembly quality. Whether it proves useful, well, I guess that was my job. And I really hope that readers will find the book to be a foundation, as an open source tool, for this new mode of knowledge.
A reader recently wrote to me with positive vibes for this website, and went on to say, well, I guess the point of the website is to sell the book. I can honestly tell you that I have not done any of this for a profit motive. I have not maintained the website for 6 years, and I did not write the book, to make money. The fact is that I have put in significant sums for both the book and the website. Website hosting is not what I would call cheap. And I contributed financially to the publication of the book. I paid this because this is what I wanted to do, this is what I believe in, and because I was able to. So if you can find the motivation and means to buy the book, then that’s great, and I thank you.
Availability of the book in the US is a milestone. And it is phenomenal to think that the text of Transparent Drawing has been set in stone for 2 or so years. During that time, I have continued to expand and enrich the concepts. Yet, one of the most amazing things is that the basic structure of Transparent Drawing holds up. I refer to the book, just to see how a new form generation mode or assembly might fit into the conceptual structure. And it always finds a place. This gives me confidence that the book will provide an overall structure which readers can use for their own pathway.
Going forward, I will continue the website, given that I work on this project daily. I enjoy all of the discoveries that I make both in the drawings that I do and in my continued reading. And I sincerely appreciate all readers who write to me either at the website or on Linkedin: your thoughts and our exchange of ideas are hugely important to me. I will look forward to continue to share my enthusiasm and energy for drawing transparently.
Shipping in Japan too!
I just sent copies to two friends in Tokyo via Amazon Japan. And I got my two domestic copies. One goes to Matt in Switzerland. The other to the West Coast. I must say, the production / printing values are excellent. Congratulations, Kurt. On to the next. Cheers
Hi Kurt,
My friend does hosting at very reasonable rates.
He’s handled my site for years.
You might contact him see if you could work out a better deal financially.