The Black Dog Press website shows Transparent Drawing on their upcoming publications page. At this link, you can see Transparent Drawing within the context of their other upcoming publications: this also gives a look at the graphic layout of the book. The book is scheduled to be available this fall.
Longtime Transparent Drawing blog readers will remember another page touting the publication of Transparent Drawing, the book. Back in January of 2018, I announced that Artifice was going to publish the book. And when I wrote that page, that was really true.
You ever read the preface of a book, where the author discusses a sad and twisted pathway that they had to negotiate to get the book published? In those descriptions, all sorts of apocalyptic events happen to any number of key players/ organizations. All I can say is that my pathway from Artifice not publishing the book to Black Dog (both under new ownership…hint) publishing it has a similar set of “you won’t believe what happened next” type things. I won’t bore you with the details.
Hopefully, the book will cause readers to become enamored with holistic form, possibly for the first time.
I hope that I have successfully argued that representation is meaningless in our quest for form.
(I have this fantasy that readers, after reading Transparent Drawing, will suddenly become unable to think of anything but form. As they are suddenly awakened to this new day, they will happily discard representational opacity as laughably quaint…like something that was invented, what, 500 years ago?. What a joke! Now, they will stand in the pure light of knowledge of form.)
Another thing that I hope readers will take away is that Transparent Drawing is open ended. What I have shown is the basic framework: the potentials for expanding the paradigm are wide open. With any luck, readers will be given sufficient tools to use to start their own pathway to knowledge.
And the book should give readers a toolset to previously unimaginable form generations. A new energy, via the Transparent Drawing Modes and Assemblies, might be injected into their problem solving efforts.
Bottom line: with any luck, readers will have a new appreciation and enthusiasm for why we draw.
So please stay tuned for further announcements as the release date approaches.

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