I’ve been wanting to put together a page like this for awhile. I have assembled sequential pages from a sketchbook, to see if my brain dump gives insight. The date range is from 7 June 23, when I was in Toronto, to 23 June.
Longtime readers know that I draw each morning. The vast majority of my drawings are done in sketchbooks. I am on my 97th Moleskine sketchbook, and I generally draw on both sides of the pages.
Getting up very early in the morning to draw, read and write provides great satisfaction. I typically start working on these drawings at around 3:30 AM. The early morning hours allow for good concentration. Then, around 8 AM, I go to the office to do typical architect things. I leave the office at around 1 PM so I can be sure to exercise, mainly on my bike. This balance of time might be what keeps me going.
The drawings that I include in a typical post are selected because I consider them to be the best, whatever that means. That leaves many, many others which remain closed into a sketchbook. And it very well may be that the ones that I have not selected are better than the ones that I do select. There is no bad drawing, as I have said since day one.
What is important to me, and the assembly below demonstrates, is that I am always making a drawing from a previous drawing. In most instances below, the first drawing was done on the right, and then the smaller resonant, “what if” drawings were marked on the left. And in many cases the drawings on the left then serve as some inspiration for the next day’s drawing on the right. This is apparent, for example, in the very first drawing.
While I have no idea if this brain dump provides any benefit to you, it is interesting for me to see this flow. In each drawing, I am either providing a representation of a holistic form, or the drawing approaches a state of Transparent Drawing comprehension. In each, I am testing out Drawing Materiality. Bottom line, what I hope it demonstrates is that I am having great fun with all of this.
Keep drawing.

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