Mogwai, a post rock band, put out an album in 2001 titled Rock Action. I’ve always liked that title (the music is fun also), and as I was drawing recently, it occurred to me,...
Mogwai, a post rock band, put out an album in 2001 titled Rock Action. I’ve always liked that title (the music is fun also), and as I was drawing recently, it occurred to me,...
If you use buildings as your Source Image, you likely will get a building as a result. At least this is what I have found. But maybe that is just my architectural genome kicking...
It’s been tough, I know. Two pages ago, there was a mind numbing 2000 year argument over natural forms. Then there was the saran wrap page. Saran wrap? Seriously? So I thought I better...
I promised that I would use saran wrap. And now I make “good” on that promise. Cellophane kitchen wrap, or to use the generic term, saran wrap, is transparent. I realized that I was...
The comment came after the incredible dinner at the enclave of Linda Beaumont and Steve Badanes on Whidbey Island. Linda said, well, surely you know the work of Joseph Beuys? And of course, I...
Our drawing tools influence our forms. Drawing is a physical act. Johannes Itten, working at the Bauhaus, developed Vorkurs, which was the foundation course of design. Itten was primarily interested in the fusion of...
When you draw, don’t assume form. Don’t assume that you understand a holistic form unless you draw it entirely. Let’s say you want to draw a human head. In every how to draw book,...
Our drawings are hammers. A hammer is a tool. Think of a hammer: is there anything that you don’t understand about it? If I asked you to draw a hammer, you would do it...
A mantra of Transparent Drawing is Draw Like A Byzantine. And the Byzantines used a lot of gold leaf. I don’t know about you, but my personal stash of gold leaf seems to be...
We work with our hands. We manipulate physical tools, pen, paper and the like, as we craft knowledge of form. Our primary sensory input is visual. We craft our drawings in the analogue. Our...
For the first time, we generate a holistic form in real time, using the fundamentals of Transparent Drawing. The provenance quotient is 100. The authenticity is verified. It is all analogue. There is no...
I’ve become fascinated with the form generation potential of painter’s edge tape. If you have done any painting, you are no doubt aware of this product. It is typically blue, comes in different widths,...
Spray paint transparency. This is the new Transparent Drawing Assembly that I have begun to draw with. Your first thought might be, how can spray paint that comes from an aerosol can produce transparent...
I don’t want you to just read the book. I want you to just do it. My sincere appreciation and thanks to those of you who have a copy of Transparent Drawing thus far....
If it is true that there is no bad drawing, then what about beauty? Authenticity is the new Beauty. Authenticity is the sui generis of the visual idea. We’re not talking about the authenticity...
A diagram is a drawing that explains how something works. The antonym of diagram is representational. Diagram and Representation. With these two words, we arrive at the heart of the problem. I find it...
Don’t be shy to mix spacetimes. Representational Spacetime has such a strong hold on us that you almost have to force yourself to draw in different holistic projections. All you have to do is...
When the thought crossed my mind: use two Prout Lithographs as Source Images, I was all in. By now it should be clear what is going on with the drawing:–Form Combine / Lines Without...
Let’s design a new barn with Transparent Drawing tools. I thought it would be fun to start with barn forms, and then see how they might help format an entirely new barn. The Drawing...
Select two transparent drawings as your Source Image. Draw one over the other. Presto. You have a previously unimaginable form generated on your paper. You achieved fast form generation. This was the first time...
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