Form Generation

Dot to Dot is a new Transparent Drawing Mode. And the steps are very simple:
1. Knowledge any form on your paper.
2. Where lines meet, deposit a heavy dot.
3. Generate a new form by connecting the dots.

Dot to dot image books have been around at least since I was a kid. These give you a series of numbered dots which you connected with a straight line in numerical sequence. When finished, you end up with a line image of, for example, a fire truck in Representational Spacetime. You can still purchase these image books.

This new Mode came to me when I read the following passage:

“I see geometric figures as points in space; the lines connecting those points to form edges or faces are arbitrary or human-made.” 1.

Chimney Stack Blower – Austin

This is a powerful concept. A holistic form is nothing more than a set of data points in space. And the connection of these points, because they are made by a human, is arbitrary. So a previously unimaginable form can be generated from these dots in space.

For the drawing at the top, I used my photo of a chimney stack blower fan assembly. Then, I placed a dot where three lines meet. Three lines are the minimum because for a holistic form, three lines are tokens of three planes, which are of course the minimum for a resolved form. And then reconnect the dots any way you want.

Get expressive. Express yourself in form. You will end up with a holistic form without any question. Draw Like a Byzantine.

House Dress

To test a new mode fully, it must be given the House Dress test. The drawing above is that result. With a simple gable house form, you are given an array of 10 dots. The result is a worthy addition to the Transparent Drawing House Dress iterations.


There are all sorts of overtones to this new Mode:
1. Two forms are knowledged, yet is is not a Form Combine.
2. Curved lines as dot connectors plays with the fact that there are no straight lines in nature.
3. The process is very similar to the generation of a varoni diagram, as we are connecting data nodes.
4. It is a synthesis of Form Analysis and Form Generation.
5. You are given vast form generational freedom, yet the line needs to start with a dot and end with a dot.
6. The line that you draw thru the dots can be a Contour Transparent line.

  1. Perry, Charles. “On the Edge of Science: The Role of the Artist’s Intuition in Science.” The Visual Mind. Edited by Michele Emmer. The MIT Press. 1994. pp 31-34.

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