Let’s add a new source image to what we draw from: Dream Image. It is almost shocking to me to realize that I now dream in transparent forms. Possibly the armchair psychologists amongst you will say, um, so, you’re dreaming transparent forms, is that right? Maybe you need to sit in this nice quiet room for awhile.
But seriously, lately, I have been dreaming that I am drawing a holistic form. And there is great detail to this drawing. I seem to work thru various aspects of how the form is resolved. In my dream I am actually drawing, to the point that the drawing, at least in my dream state, is all worked out and complete. And there is always the little voice that says, well, you know that when you wake up, there will be no drawing.
And that little voice is right. Because when I wake up, there is nothing but a blank sketchbook page looking back at me. When you compare the rich dream experience with the starkness of the blank page, it is quite shocking. So I proceed to try to capture the form and how it worked, first thing in the morning.
Did my dream form look like my drawing? I really have no idea. Because it seems that the act of drawing is an act of transference. The knowledge of form, thru drawing, shifts the placement to the paper. And since you can’t then go back and look at the original picture, then what ends up on your paper must be the form.
Quite possibly, those who apply media to a flat surface dream their work all the time. If they do, that is a fantastic resource. Whether they dream in holistic, resolved form is a question. And if they do, then one interpretation might be, well, that qualifies you as crazy. I would happily accept that assignation.
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