How can we not think that form is everything?
How can we think that we knowledge form when we apply media opaquely?
How can time have been removed from perception?
How can the cultural interest of form have been subverted to the prioritization of shapes?
How can our interest in form be confined to what we call designers whereas our interest in shapes be confined to what we call artists?
How can we even think we are understanding form when we depict from one instant in time?
How can everyone not be interested in form?
How can anyone think that their opaque representation gets it right when their spacetime is one instant?
How can anyone be proud of their application of opaque tones when form is ignored?
You’re telling me you are still going to keep going at it, hoping this time there will be truth, when all you have to do is breathe into transparency for knowledge?
How can we, to use a Gombrich phrase, only be concerned with the “beautiful surface of things?”

The statements above are hereby appended to the Transparent Drawing Manifesto.
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