Annamaria Pari is an arts broadcaster, arts advocate and acrylic artist. In our interview, we discuss my book, Transparent Drawing.
The interview gets at the age old concept of what is art, what is an artist, and the cultural limits placed upon us. It is so limiting to have to apply the binary tags of either artist / designer to what we do. We are all seekers of knowledge. We cannot be limited by any formulas. We seek our own pathway. We want freedom. And I hope I communicated in the interview that Transparent Drawing is a tool for that pathway.
If it looks like you are not going to have the time or patience to watch the whole thing, just fast forward to the middle to get to the heart of the matter. This is the first time that I have had the opportunity to verbalize / present Transparent Drawing, and I found that I enjoyed the experience. I always learn something about my work when I talk about it. With any luck, the interview will be of some educational value to others.
Most importantly, my humble thanks to Annamaria Pari for her enthusiasm toward and interest in my work. You can see her artwork at these links:
–Saatchi Art
–Her Facebook Page

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