Spray paint transparency. This is the new Transparent Drawing Assembly that I have begun to draw with.
Your first thought might be, how can spray paint that comes from an aerosol can produce transparent washes? The answer is that you apply the paint in light coats. And when you do, you can control how transparent the spray tone is. You might very well have an ordinary can just sitting around, and just waiting to be used for your next exciting drawing. If not, they are available in the hardware store for around $3.50.
As always, you can use this Assembly in any way you want. You could, for example, coat your entire paper with paint and then draw over that. Or you could paint, draw, paint in successive layers. You could paint, scratch when wet, then draw. Etc.
For the drawing above, I first knowledged a Form Combine.
- For the linework, I used a Pentel Rollerball pen, which is mildly water soluble.
- I then masked off areas of the drawing with painters tape. This is commonly a blue color, and it has reduced stickiness so it removes easily. As I was masking, I was feeling the forms that were geometrically forming. The photo below shows this masking.
- Apply spray paint. I happened to have a can of gloss white and gloss black. I first applied the black. Then I shifted the mask before applying the white.
- All I did after that was take a brush dipped in clear water, and run it past the ink lines so as to further define form. The water partially dissolved the ink, thereby creating a tone. The tone was mostly repelled by the paint, and was fully accepted by the uncoated paper.

Again, this is just what I happened to do. What is very cool, though, is that you aren’t sure how the water tone will interact with the spray paint. So that makes it fun. The sequence, opacity, shape, etc., of the spray paint can be applied in any manner, which makes it quite exciting.
And so we add another Assembly to the ever growing Transparent Drawing list. Some of the basics, all of which are in the book, include:
–Lines Without Tones
–One Line One Wash
–One Wash Contour
And to this list we now add Spray Paint Transparency.
One of the most exciting features of Transparent Drawing is that it is open source. My ability to fold in, of all things, spray paint, to the armature of TD, just proves that the directions this can take are limitless.
I was so taken by the actual and suggested forms of the drawing at the top, that I could not stop myself from generating these four iterationss, all of which use part of the drawing to move toward holistic form. These were super easy to generate, and with our Drawing From Drawing tool, you could proceed to expand this series all day.

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