We develop greater resonance for the forms we generate when we have a working knowledge of the geometry of closed form. We study, and thus utilize, external forms to yield basic principals of geometry.
Our study of the geometry of forms provides a mental training, which then gives authenticity to what we generate. We develop a more resonant basis for our forms when we have a working knowledge of forms that already exist.
If there are any laws, it is the law of the closed form. Any form that we use, from our Source Images, is closed, and we must knowledge it as such. From this absolutely solid foundation, we are able to then build, or grow, our forms on our paper.
Our utilization of external form is one of laying the geometry bare. With this resultant purity, we are then empowered to confidently establish our own forms of generation. What we are after is geometric assurance: our consonant forms are made bold and resonant as a result of geometric oneness.
All acts of drawing sensitize you to your world. Thousands of books have been written which say exactly this: drawing improves and gives a fuller connection to the external world. What we offer is another wavelength, another pathway, with which to realize this connection. And we employ closed form, as an end state, to help you achieve this connection. You will be better at design. And you will have a greater sensitivity to the world around you.
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