Where does the light come from? We light from within.
Many pages ago, we eliminated the confusion of shadows. Our transparent forms, existing as possible experiences, do not cast shadows. And the primary reason for this is that holistic form generates illumination.
To test this out, I suggest that you look at the simple transparent drawing at the top. Look at the entire form, and then imagine light emanating from within. This works for the drawing above, and it works for any of our drawings.
I hope that you find this as comforting and calming as I do. Our entire mindset is to draw holistic forms. And forms need light. Don’t we want, as an ideal state, for light to emanate from within? In a pre perceptual state, our forms are internally illuminated. Light has always been a powerful cultural symbol of knowledge.
In the book, on page 121, we say, “just say no to shadows.” And this remains a very fundamental directive. For shadows, as done in Representational Spacetime, are tied to one instant in time. And this, of course, is antithetical to our entire purpose.
Transparent Drawing, because we draw with time, allows for holistic analysis and conception of forms. Our mode of thought provides a simultaneous understanding of form. This simultaneity mandates the necessity for transparency. As we look at our forms on our paper, illumination does not fall on our forms. We can say that it comes from within the form.
Light From Within gives us a helpful koan which advances our progress toward knowledge. It ties completely in to the very fundamental precepts of our entire way of thinking.
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