I happened across this site, called APK Concepts, which I want to share with you. I was looking for more information on Margaret Morris’ book, Notation of Movement, and this was in the search results. What struck me was their term Operational Drawing. Operational, or the making of operations, is one of our fundamental principals.
The author is Alex Kaiser. Keywords / key phrases that are resonant with our methods include:
–multiple perspectives
–other projections
–invisible infrastructures
–multiple timelines
-drawing as variations of previous drawings
From what I can tell, nearly all of the drawings are analogue.
Everything that we do here at Transparent Drawing are types of operations. We establish basic geometries, with which we use to then operate on. The term operational implies rules. That is to say, with Transparent Drawing, we apply a series of operations, so as to generate fresh and exciting holistic forms. Automatic Form is a series of operations toward holistic form. Form Combine utilizes broad rules. Dot to Dot is a sequence. Form Reduction employs very specific rules (a plane becomes a line which becomes a dot.) The list is practically endless.
It appears that the APK website has not been updated for at least 10 years. So it remains as a sort of beacon, an emitter of a signal, depending on entities who can tune into the specific frequency as they pass by. Please explore their site and see if you might find a resonant bandwidth. Possibly your interaction with the signal will trigger a re-awakening of the transmitter.
For my drawing above, I employed the following operations. This is a Form Assembly I have been playing around with, which I will dub Horizontal Vertical Combine:
1. Using two Source Images, draw geometry across the bottom of your page, and up the right side of your page. This can be seen with the red lines across the bottom, and black lines up the right side.
2. Move toward holistic form with three combine operations, employing the horizontal and vertical geometries already established:
– color tone wash (yellow and red tones)
– black Ink Stick
– oil pastel (which indeed achieves holistic form)
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