Humans produce still images (paintings, photographs, etc) and moving images (films, videos, slide displays, etc.). There are no still images in human visual perception: the area of light that is focused on your retina...
Humans produce still images (paintings, photographs, etc) and moving images (films, videos, slide displays, etc.). There are no still images in human visual perception: the area of light that is focused on your retina...
Mogwai, a post rock band, put out an album in 2001 titled Rock Action. I’ve always liked that title (the music is fun also), and as I was drawing recently, it occurred to me,...
I’ve become fascinated with the form generation potential of painter’s edge tape. If you have done any painting, you are no doubt aware of this product. It is typically blue, comes in different widths,...
Norval Morrisseau was a Anishinaabe Aboriginal Canadian artist. He painted mystical and spiritual shapes which were inspired by ancient cultural traditions. Artnet uses the term x-ray to describe this visual mode of painting. I...
String Drawing is a new Transparent Drawing Means of Assembly. This joins other assemblies such as Woven Drawing, One Line One Wash, etc. String Drawing is most effective when it is applied to a...
When does a line become a form? Can a line be a form? What happens to a line when it integrates form? These were the questions I was asking myself as I did the...
Leonardo was a transparent thinker. He was not a transparent drawer. But his process supports all of the tenants of Transparent Drawing. Why? Well, there seem to be two Leonardos. The first is the...
Jochem Hendricks puts marks on paper by simply moving his eyes. He calls this Eye Drawing. He constructed a headset which tracks the movement of his eyes. As his eyes move as he looks...
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