MS04-057 TRANSPARENT DRAWINGReading more from the Poetics of Space,

“His task is that of proceeding phenominologically to images that have not been experienced, and which life does not prepare, but which the poet creates; of living what has not been lived…” (p xxx)

What a bracing thought.  The poet and the architect both create means for experience that have not been lived.  I have never heard it put in such imaginary terms.  Yet this is what we do.  The living that will occur within our enclosures has not been lived.

When we make our drawings, the proposed living is fuzzy.  We can only roughly define the living that will occur in our enclosures.  We only have a fuzzy notion about what that will really be.  While this may seem obvious, I have not heard it stated with this clarity before.

Certainly the poet offers this same fuzzy phenomenon.  The poet and the architect offer images that have not been experienced.  They can only really offer living that is to be lived.  An abstraction of the future.

It seems appropriate to draw and analogy between the poet and the architect.  Our transparent drawing proposes a living in the same manner that a poem proposes experiences;  both very likely have not been experienced yet.   Our drawings have transparency in the same manner that poems do.  Overlapping.  Complete.  Holistic.  Emotive.

And if nothing is hidden in the drawing, the living will be more readily imagined, communicated and understood.

At least this is all fun to think about.

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