Transparent Drawing has not gone viral. Not by a long shot.  Like I’ve said before, there is no sex here nor are there cute kitty pictures.

So how is Transparent Drawing doing?  It depends where you look.  In WordPress, there is a daily bar graph that shows the number of page views.  This is the page view total for the past two weeks.

I think the highest daily page view tally that I have gotten is something like 130.  And, honestly, I really can’t figure out why some pages get more views than others.  I don’t know if it is a random occurrence, or if there truly is some topic variant that really strikes a deep chord in readers.  Pages that I am really excited to put up can get a low page view, and vice versa.  For example, with the 30+ page views in the past two days, was that because readers found a connection with my Pinterest rant?  Or was it because it was the holiday weekend and they were bored and clicking around on their device?

Lately, though, some of the pages have been getting 50+ views on Linkedin.  When that happens, I get this little box saying congrats!  So I guess that is sort of good.

Actually, Linkedin is turning out to be the most popular platform for TD. There are a number of regular readers who typically like pages.  (Thank you to all!)  And I guess it makes sense that Linkedin is a good audience, as this platform is oriented toward professionals.  So Linkedin is cool.

Which I can’t say for Facebook.  My connections or friends or whatever you call them seems to have stagnated at about 100.  Not that I am complaining.  Actually, I am complaining…about the design of Facebook.  Facebook sucks.  I’m sorry, but for a company with a market valuation greater than Boeing, this dumb format is the best that they can do?  While it is probably because I am 61 years old, I still can’t figure out where I really am when I am on Facebook.  And I really am not motivated to find out, which may be why my number is where it is.  So I guess you could say that I am in stasis with Facebook.  It doesn’t like me and I don’t like it.

Twitter is another location where WordPress automatically posts my posts.  And there is one dear and faithful reader who sometimes retweets my, I guess, tweet.  (Thank you!)

I’ve only started to put my Transparent Drawings on Pinterest, and I have no idea why I am doing that.

Do I care about my numbers?  Officially, no.  I do this because I really believe in the potential for Transparent Drawing.  I’m a purist, don’t you know.  Plus, I’m having fun.

Yet, I can’t help it; there is this childish giddy feeling that you get when you get retweeted or you get the little box that says you got over 50 views (!).

I’m sure that someone somewhere would say that my numbers should (or at least could) be way better than this.  And I’m sure they would be right.  Still, let’s face it, this is about taking a pencil and drawing lines on a piece of paper.


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