Arch Daily just ran a very nice piece titled Transparent Drawings, Visualizing Architecture Anew.
Per many sources, Arch Daily is the most visited architecture website on the planet. I didn’t realize this but AD is a worldwide organization with offices all over. One thing that makes Arch Daily great is their inclusive coverage of all sorts of projects and ideas that relate to architecture.
Welcome to any new readers who might have been curious enough to click thru to these pages. I thought that a few very broad orientation comments might be helpful:
-Transparent Drawing is a tool for the analysis and generation of holistic form
-forms are any object: buildings, shells, plows, rocks, etc.
-we draw with time to achieve holistic form
-our drawing is 100% analogue; we unplug from the digital hive
–Representational Spacetime is rejected
-our knowledge of form is pure
-the TD system includes Modes of Drawing: Form Combine, Drawing at the Boundary of Form, etc.
-it also includes Assembly: Woven Drawing, One Wash Contour, etc.
I have been developing Transparent Drawing for 7 or so years. And I have enjoyed every minute of this journey. A book has resulted, and I am working very hard on another. I draw every morning, and find it to be wonderfully unifying.
My absolute fantasy is for one of you, maybe even two if I am lucky, to pick up a pencil, and with the Transparent Drawing mindset, draw with a more open, holistic perception. I don’t believe that we realize the limiting effect that rules of culture have on us. All I am trying to do is provide an active method toward our mantra, holistic form. Anyone can walk on this pathway.
Again, welcome to any new readers, and my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have been following and supporting Transparent Drawing all of these years.
I selected the Transparent Drawing above with you architects in mind. Ask yourself, could this be a building? After all, it has axial symmetry, theme (center) and variations (ends). The center elements certainly could be a buildable structural system. And the fuzzy ends make me think, at least, about, well, fuzz. So what could the ends be clad in to give the fuzz effect?
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