You engage in processes of perception and visualization continually. You are in a continuous state of putting together a construct of the external world. Your visual input is continually changing, and you are continually assembling a cohesive understanding of the world, which consists of forms.
As a product of your culture, you continually process your visual perceptions thru the filter of representation. The construct of representation is utterly pervasive. The Wall of Representation is an opaque wall, and it is a wall that represses your creativity. The filter of representation, subsequently, shapes your your creative responses. You end up only being able to think representationally.

Transparent Drawing is a portal thru the Wall of Representation. With the components of Form Combine, Automatic Form, Drawing From Drawing, etc., you are given the means to evolve thru The Wall. When this happens, the filter is removed. You are able to perceive pure geometry as it exists. You can then generate pure geometry, and thus Pure Form, in a way that you could not do before.
While the above text has notes of utopic grandeur, this remains a very simple concept. All you have to do is pick up a pencil, and draw with a shifted mindset. The change that we are talking about happens within you.
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