I slammed on the brakes when I saw this assembly on Route 166 just south of our farm.

The garage is properly stick built. It is rooted to the ground and bolted to a slab. It was built in place. It has a relatively high authenticity. This is where the vehicle lives.

The house is modular. It is floating and unattached to the ground. It was built elsewhere, and brought to the site in two pieces. It could have been built on Mars. It has low authenticity. This is where the humans live.

Is this telling us something? Is this a commentary regarding the evolution of machines and of humans? Is this, truly, the state of the art? Does this metaphorically say that humans, with our technology, are increasingly unmoored to the planet? Or is this saying that the vehicles have greater value than do humans, given the vehicles have a more authentic building? If this triggers an association with you, we would love to hear about it. The floating house / anchored garage is simply too good to ignore.

This did provide the impetus for a fantasy. The garage might be seen as the root, anchored into the ground. And the house might be seen as the leaves, gently oscillating in the breeze.